Visiting and giving some equipment to Village T2 of Bok Toi Commune, Hoai An District

Tuesday - 30/06/2020 12:11
On the morning of May 22nd 2020, the Department of Foreign Affairs of Binh Dinh province in coordination with Viet Nam Binh Dinh North BOT Joint Stock Company paid a visit and gave some equipment to the Village T2 of Bok Toi Commune.
Visiting and giving some equipment to Village T2 of Bok Toi Commune, Hoai An District
According to the Sister Cooperation Agreement between the Department of Foreign Affairs of Binh Dinh province, Viet Nam Binh Dinh North BOT Joint Stock Company and the Village T2, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Viet Nam Binh Dinh North BOT Joint Stock Company will pay visits to the village twice a year to meet the local people and discuss the situation of their material and spiritual life. Based on their real needs, the Department and Company will provide support to help them have more stable and better life.
After agreeing with the head of the village, on the visit of May 22nd, two agencies gave the village a statue of Uncle Ho, 10 wall fans and a loudspeaker with a total of VND11,500,000. These items will not only help the local people have better community events but also contribute to the enhancement of the quality of popularization of the Party’s guidelines, the State’s laws and policies and of the cultural and sports movements of the local people.

In 2019, the Department and Company met the village management board to discuss and obtain information about the village. The two agencies also implemented a lot of practical activities such as giving gifts, extending greetings with some lucky money on the occasion of the lunar new year and providing fund for paving concrete for the playground in front of the village cultural house with a total of VND72,500,000.

Author: Nguyễn Thị Thu Hiền

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