Leader Quy Nhon City have the meeting with the delagation of Yanggu District Council, Gangwon Province, Korea.

Tuesday - 03/12/2019 00:51
On the morning of 13th November 2019, in Quy Nhon City, Mr. Tran Van Thanh - Chairman of People’s Council of Quy Nhon City had the meeting with the delegation of Yanggu District Council, Gangwon Province, Korea led by Mr Park Gwi Nam - Vice Chairman of Yanggu District Council. The meeting was attended by the leaders of People’s Council and People’s Committee of Quy Nhon City, divisions and the leader of Foreign Affairs Department.
Đại biểu chụp ảnh lưu niệm Yanggu
Đại biểu chụp ảnh lưu niệm Yanggu
The purpose of this meeting was to have discussions for promoting the friendly cooperation between Quy Nhon City and Yanggu District in the future.

At the meeting, Mr. Tran Van Thanh - Chairman of People’s Council of Quy Nhon City warmly welcomed the delegation; gave a presentation on the socio- economic development, potential, strengths of Quy Nhon City, especially the tourism development in the recent years. With regard to the friendly cooperation between Quy Nhon City and Korean partners, Chairman of People’s Council of Quy Nhon City said that Quy Nhon City and Yongsan District had been maintaining the friendly relationship for 23 years and hoped that the relationship between Quy Nhon and Yanggu would develop in the coming time.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr Park Gwi Nam - Vice Chairman of Yanggu District Council expressed his thanks for the warm welcome extended by the leaders of Quy Nhon City. He said that the strengths of Yanggu district was agricultural production and the cooperation with Quy Nhon City aimed at exchanging experience, transferring agricultural technology, especially boosting cooperation in exporting seasonal labourers to Yanggu in the field of agriculture.

On the afternoon of the same day, the delegation worked at Rural Development and Agriculture Department to find out about the agricultural production activities of the province.

Author: Nguyễn Lê Na

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