Visit by Friedenskinder delegation (Germany) to Binh Dinh province

Thursday - 27/02/2020 09:17
Authorized by the Provincial People’s Committee, on the afternoon of 21st February 2020, at the office of Foreign Affairs Department, Mr. Vo Dinh Kha - Deputy Director had the meeting with the delegation of Friedenskinder led by Mr Nguyen Ba Hai. The meeting was attended by the leaders of Departments: Health, Agriculture and Rural Development.
Visit by Friedenskinder delegation (Germany) to Binh Dinh province
At the meeting, Mr. Vo Dinh Kha gave a brief presentation on Binh Dinh province as well as the socio-economic fields oriented to development.

Mr Nguyen Ba Hai and the members of the delegation exchanged ideas and potential strengths of Friedenskinder for the coming cooperation in the fields of health, agriculture and forestry. The purposes of this visit were to get information on the province’s needs and to find ways for cooperation between Quy Nhon City and Koblenz city (where Friedenskinder was established) in the fields of culture, technology, economy, trade, education and tourism. This was the first time the delegation had come to Binh Dinh province and they highly valued the provincial potential strengths of the tourism development, the rich natural resources, especially the marine resources. They advised the provincial government to clean up the sea and dispose of the plastic wastes in the sea. In addition, they also raised the idea about vocational training in the planting and gardening.

The leaders of the departments introduced the strengths and needs of the province as follows: the great human resources in nursing for export, exchanges of nurses and doctors, medical skills and speciality exchanges; short-time training for nurses and doctors; assistance in operation of inborn heart diseases and chronic cerebral palsy; the enterprises’ assistance in production of new medicines such as antibiotics, medicines for cancer treatment, high molecular infusion fluid; agriculture and forestry development, especially the high-tech agriculture.

After the meeting, the delegation was taken to visit some tourist sites of the province./.

Author: Nguyễn Lê Na

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