The Handover Ceremony of cleared land in Phu Cat district.
Friday - 06/11/2020 16:14
On the morning of October 20th, in Phu Cat district, Vietnam National Mine Action (VNMAC), Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Binh Dinh Provincial People’s Committee (PPC) co-organized the Handover Ceremony of land after being technically surveyed and cleared, , under the Korea – Vietnam Mine Action Project (phase 1).
Mr. Cho Han Deog, KOICA Country Direction at the ceremony
The Korea – Vietnam Mine Action Projectis funded by the Government of Korea, administered by KOICA and implemented by UNDP and VNMAC in two provinces of Quang Binh and Binh Dinh with an amount of USD 20 million. The project aims to overcome the consequences of bombs and mines and explosive materials left by the war, ensure safety for the people in using the basic social infrastructure facilities such as health care centers, schools and farmland.
“The project has provided a large area of cleared land for the local people to expand production and development purposes; especially for construction of the social infrastructure works such as health care centers, schools’’said Ms. Nguyen Thi Tuyet, Vice Chairman of Phu Cat District People’s Commitee.
Mr. Cho Han-Deog, KOICA Country Direction said: “It’s imposible for the project to solve the issues related to bombs and mines left by the war in a single phase, so we are assessing to continue phase 2 of the project. In addition to the mine and bomb clearance activities, we will implement small projects on the cleared land to help the local people improve their lives”
After the Ceremony, the delegation paid a visit to the local people and the cleared area in Cat Nhon commune.