Non-Governmental Tasks in first half of 2021

Tuesday - 29/06/2021 10:07
In the first six months of 2021, Binh Dinh province received and implemented 19 projects and non-project aid items with the total disbursed amount of USD 983,467 (approximately VND 22,43 billion).
Non-Governmental Tasks in first half of 2021
Although the COVID-19 pandemic spread complicatedly all over the country in the first six months of 2021, the agencies, units and local authorities in the province and the foreign non-governmental organizations (FNGOs) made efforts to implement the activities as approved by the competent agencies in the Project Documents. The activities between the partners of the province and the beneficiaries including those of the "Development of Education and Skills’’ scholarship programme for the 2020-2021 period funded by PALS were carried out online instead. The total amount disbursed in the first six months of 2021 is USD 983,467 (approximately VND 22,43 billion), an increase of 171% compared to the same period last year (USD 362,730). The aid items are in the fields such as: Health (06 items with USD 590,450); education (08 items with USD 201,411); Resolution to Social Issues (04 items with USD 148,276); Socio-Economic Development (01 item with USD 43,330). All the aid items are implemented by 09 FNGOs namely: IFRC, PALS, PN, ACI, SOMI, ORBIS, FHF, CRS, IC; 02 foreign individuals (from Japan, Korea) and 07 other foreign organizations. Most of the projects are small-scaled and the value of each project is not great. However, they have contributed to the resolution of the neccesary demands of the province in the fields of health and education as well as made positive changes in the awareness and lives of the people in the project areas, especially the disable, the poor, children,…contributing to hunger eradication, poverty reduction and the socio-economic development of Binh Dinh province.

In the second half of 2021, the agencies, units and local authorities in the province continue to carry out the specific tasks, solutions to enhance the effectiveness of the foreign non-governmental aid mobilization and take advantage of the Central agencies’ assistance in introducing the potential FNGOs to Binh Dinh province, especially in the fields of health, supporting the disable, climate change, socio-economic development..., contributing to the improvement of the lives of the vulnerable people in Binh Dinh province.

Author: LeNa

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