Meeting with Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations, licensed in Binh Dinh province in 2023

Friday - 05/05/2023 08:55
On the afternoon of 26th April 2023, Binh Dinh Department of Foreign Affairs held the meeting with Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations (FNGOs), licensed in Binh Dinh province. The meeting was attended by Ms. Do Thi Kim Dung - Vice Head of People’s Assistance Coordination Committee (under Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations); Mr. Nguyen Thai Binh - Director of Foreign Affairs Department, who chaired the meeting and the FNGOs licensed in Binh Dinh province; members of Provincial FNGO Affairs Board; representatives of departments, agencies, local governments; projects and non-projects owners and divisions of Foreign Affairs Department.
Mr. John Havican, Director of ACI speaks at the conference
At the meeting, Director of Foreign Affairs Department Nguyen Thai Binh gave information on the FNGOs’ activities in the province in the year of 2022 and the first quarter of 2023. Accordingly, the province has received and implemented 25 projects, non-projects items, with the total disbursement value of USD 2,5 million. Of which, 18 projects, non-projects items were implemented by the FNGOs, with the total disbursement value of USD 2,2 million and 07 projects, non-projects items were implemented by the foreign organizations and individuals, with the total disbursement value of USD 300,000. In the first quarter of 2023, there are 12 projects, non-projects items funded by the FNGOs in the fields of Health, Education and Training, Climate Change, Agriculture and Rural Development and Social Affairs Solutions. In general, the projects, non-projects items have been implemented as scheduled, pursuant to the sponsors’ commitment and got effectiveness. The project owners and sponsors have closely coordinated in the implementation of some projects which have been approved in the first months of 2023. Furthermore, the FNGOs’aid mobilization has been boosted through the propaganda of project proposals to the FNGOs and foreign diplomatic missions in Vietnam on the occasion of their visits in the province. Up to now, there have been a number of project proposals implemented and considered for support by some FNGOs such as GIBTK/USA, MCNV/Netherlands, SNV/Netherlands and the US Embassy in Hanoi, Indian Embassy in Hanoi. Besides the great results, the FNGOs affairs of Binh Dinh province remain several limits such as: the temporary assistance termination of some FNGOs in the province due to their difficult finance, the sharing information between the Department of Foreign Affairs and the project owners, FNGOs not often; some FNGOs licensed not implementing the activities for a long time in the province, so on… In addition, Director of Foreign Affairs Department Nguyen Thai Binh gave a brief presentation of 24 project proposals calling for FNGOs’ aid in 2023 so that the FNGOs could get the information on the assistance demand of Binh Dinh province.

At the meeting, the representatives of 04 FNGOs including MCNV/Netherlands, ACI/USA, PATH/USA, CNCF/UK responsibly raised their ideas so that the delegates could know more about the principles and activities purposes of FNGOs in Vietnam in general and in Binh Dinh in particular. Especially, Mr. Pham Dung - Head of Representative Office of MCNV expressed his pleasure to attend the second meeting organized by Binh Dinh Department of Foreign Affairs and thanked the relevant departments for giving their assistance to MCNV as well as other FNGOs in the effective implementation of the projects in the province for the past years, and hoped that Binh Dinh Department of Foreign Affairs and relevant agencies would continue to facilitate FNGOs to implement the practical programs for disadvantaged people in the province in the coming time. Furthermore, the representatives of 05 provincial departments, agencies, local governments shared information on the projects implementation for the past years and presented the project proposals calling for FNGOs’ aid, contributing to improving the efficiency of aid from FNGOs.

Giving a directing statement at the meeting, Ms. Do Thi Kim Dung - Vice Head of People’s Assistance Coordination Committee (under Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations) highly appreciated the efforts of Binh Dinh Department of Foreign Affairs in monitoring, managing and promoting the FNGOs activities in the province, from the approaching FNGOs to implementing the projects, even in actively advising the Provincial People's Committee to promulgate the legal documents on the FNGOs’ activities management in the province. Ms. Do Thi Kim Dung also requested Binh Dinh Department of Foreign Affairs to continue the achieved results, increasingly propagate the Party’s guidelines and State’s policies to FNGOs and maintain the relationship with the FNGOs, especially the potential partners so as to solve the needs of the province, including the projects and non-projects that Binh Dinh Department of Foreign Affairs is calling for the FNGOs aid.

On behalf of the Meeting Organization Board, Director of Foreign Affairs Department Nguyen Thai Binh expressed his thanks for the delegates’ ideas and acknowledged the direction of Ms. Do Thi Kim Dung - Vice Head of People’s Assistance Coordination Committee. The Binh Dinh Department of Foreign Affairs would continue the close coordination with FNGOs as well as the relevant departments, agencies in order to boost the FNGOs’ aid mobilization, management in the coming time, contributing to helping the people in Binh Dinh province still facing many difficulties to have a better life.

Author: LeNa

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