Meeting to evaluate promotion and implementation of foreign non-governmental aid projects and non-project activities in the province in 2021

Thursday - 18/11/2021 15:59
On the morning of 13th October 2021, Mr Nguyen Thai Binh, Director of the Foreign Affairs Department, chaired the meeting to evaluate the promotion and implementation of foreign non-governmental (FNG) aid projects and non-project activities in the province in 2021 with the attendance of the members of the provincial Committee for FNGOs; representatives of Department of Education and Training, Department of Health, Department of Labour - War Invalids and Social Affairs, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Natural Resources and Environment; the People’s Committees of Quy Nhon, Phu Cat, Tay Son, Van Canh, An Lao, Vinh Thanh and some agencies, entities who are the project owners in the province.

At the meeting, the Department of Foreign Affairs presented a report on the promotion and implementation of FNG aid projects and non-project activities in the province in 2021. According to the report, as of 30th September 2021, there have been 17 ongoing programs, projects and non-project activities in the province funded by the foreign individuals and organizations, with a total disbursed amount of USD 968,695, approximately 45% of the annual committed value. Out of 17 programs, projects and non-project activities, 12 programs, projects and non-project activities are funded by FNGOs (USD 815,915) and 05 programs and projects (funded) by the international organizations and individuals (USD 152,780). In general, although there have been a lot of difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and some other related factors, the project owners and the donors have made a lot of efforts in implementation of the programs, projects and non-project activities. Some programs, projects and non-project activities, including the large-scaled projects, have been completed and handed over for use as scheduled, which helps the beneficiaries in terms of their study, work, health; some projects under the process of selection of contractors, survey, training, collection of lists of beneficiaries, and health examination and treatment, etc…although not yet completed have contributed to the overall picture of FNG aid promotion and implementation in the province. The above said achievements have been made thanks to the timely attention, management and direction of the Provincial Party’s Committee, the Provincial People’s Committee, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and PACCOM (under the Union of Viet Nam Friendship Organizations); the efforts of the project owners and timely cooperation in terms of funding, equipment and facilities, etc…by the foreign individuals and organizations granted permits to operate in the province. Especially, as the focal point, the Department of Foreign Affairs has made a lot of new changes in supervision and timely collection of the issues arising during the implementation of the projects and non-project activities, and helped the functional agencies manage and timely handle the difficulties and challenges, especially the issues related to the policies and legal documents issued by the Central Government. In addition, the Department has also made efforts in specifying the tasks and measures on mobilization of FNG aid in the province stated in Report No.54/BC-UBND dated 26th April 2021 by the Provincial People’s Committee in accordance with the real situation of the local agencies, units and localities so that mobilization and implementation of FNG aid project and non-project activities in the province in 2021 have achieved a lot of new results, better than the past years as evaluated by the participants at the meeting.

To promote the achieved results and the mobilization of FNG aid in the province with the assured quality and to attract more projects and non-project activities, the meeting also discussed and agreed 25 proposed projects which are suitable with the scale and operation areas the FNGOs granted permits to operate in the province, collected by the Department of Foreign Affairs for mobilization in the coming time. The Department of Foreign Affairs will review, make edition with picture illustrations, translate them into English and have them printed into books for the aid mobilization purposes./.

Author: LeNa

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